Friday, January 21, 2011

If I .....

... Had more time I would be writing something meaningful to me. Ten days between postings is not going to become a habit I'm sure, however blogging is not top priority sooo.. it may get put off a tad bit.  =0) My time is very precious to me (hint: a coming post) and I don't enjoy wasting it, so consider yourselves time well spent. I'd write more but there is much to be done, little time to do it, and none but me to get it done, the situation being as it is I thought I'd share a little bit about who "Me" is. 
Love and prayers to all, Hana -2Chron. 7:14

If I were a gemstone, I’d be a sapphire.

If I were a scent, I’d be the cool smell of mountains.

If I were the weather, I would be the falling rain.

If I were a facial expression, I'd be a wide eyed stare of innocence.

If I were a car, I would be a JAGUAR S-TYPE 4.2 SE

If I were a time of day, I’d be the  moonlight just before dawn
(it's such a fleeting moment you must be waiting to see it)

If were a month, I’d be November.

If I were a place, Spain.

If I were a liquid, I would be the water racing over the falls.

If I were a taste, I’d be a crisp minty flavor.

If I were a sea animal, I’d be a Seaclam. 

If I were a food, I’d be a slice of Challah bread on Saturday morning.
(aka. Hana's french toast)

If I were a color, I'd be  The purest shade of periwinkle blue (light).

If I were a musical instrument, I would be the aged violin.

If I were a flower, I’d be the blossom of a cherry tree.

If I were a song, I'd be Man of His Word by Bob Carlisle  - subject to change on a whim.
(Because I have a story behind it)

If I were a planet, I’d be envious of the stars.

If I were an object, I would be a bookmark, keeping my place 'til you'd return.

If I were an era, I'd be the Victorian.

If I were a fruit, I'd be a watermelon.(it's the food of angels)

If I were an age I'd be 4 or 11.

If I were a day of the week, I’d Friday.

If I were a sound, I’d be the whisper of the wind.

But I am not. I am a child of The Most High, striving in all that I do to bring honor and glory to His Name. I am his servant and he is my all in all .

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves..........

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Do you know who you are......

There is no need to prove our worth by being like men. I am young woman and my desire is to be treated as a lady. What better way to portray my role, than to dress the part!  Have you ever had a gentleman (whom you didn't know) beat you to a door that he might hold it open for you ? Have you ever been stopped by a perfect stranger and had them thank you for conducting yourself as  lady. These may not be the days of knights and fair maidens but you do have a station, and those who look up to you. Be grateful for the beautiful role you were given and carry your station with pride. This coming generation is being trained to follow a crowd, this is the time to take a stand and show them how to lead. I am not talking about an uprising or revolution, but the strength to be weak. God himself has called women "the weaker vessel". My grandfather used to tell his sons: This doesn't mean the "lesser vessel" but just what it says, the weaker vessel. Unlike a stone vessel, a porcelain one would be weaker & much more fragile requiring care and protection. If our goal is to be just as good as a man, we create a competition with them and take from ourselves the respect that was dealt us. 
We are women they are men, it's how we were created. Men have the self-respect and honor take their role (like a man =0) Let's embrace our role with all it's dignity and grace. Take every bit of your femininity and relish it, don't  cheat yourself out of the pure pleasure of girlhood. 
I have a personal conviction of being set-apart and modest, not only in my appearance but also my demeanor and character.  A homely appearance will not hide a gaudy or arrogant spirit, just as a sweet, quiet personality cannot be lost in any apparel.
You are a woman, but have you chosen to be a lady? 

May YHWH bless you with his presence and with his peace. ~Hana

Virtue-over-Vanity is a website as well as a blog, originally intended to encourage young women to choose their virtue over vanity and put their faith before fashion. 
But then I began to think "If we work on our hearts first, eventually the outside will reveal the inside". Because:" Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh". 
I have several posts that are coming and should have been out but I am touching up ....
  So, posts to look for soon: Passion - Integrity - My two cents -Obedience

Friday, January 7, 2011

The song of my heart

You are the words to the music,
          You are the song that I sing
                   You are the melody, you are the harmony
                                      Praises to your name I bring.

 You are the Mighty GOD
You are the prince of peace 
You are the KING of Kings
Now I give back to you the song that you gave to me.
YHWH, you are the song that I sing    

My mind is made up and my heart is sure, I am going to serve Yahweh.... ~ Hana

Monday, January 3, 2011


Our lives are like personal bank accounts, each day we spend 24 hrs that are non refundable....
                  I want to encourage you to consider every hour you spend each day.
Don't throw it away, make wise investments... Ones that you know will last, just like in business
"get rich quick"  is not usually the best route. Value will prove distance, withstand age, regardless of its surroundings holds it's worth.

I would like to thank my dearest and best of friends. Time with them has reminded me of the value of each day we have.
Why should we spend our days living in bitterness or longing for the past? Let's press on to a bright future every day is new and we can make each one the best yet. 
Make every moment a memory you'll cherish, Make every hour count because you aren't getting a single second back...   

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what YHWH has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11


In the book of 1Corinthians it says "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth  take heed, (and Stand,) lest he fall." In the age that we live in I find more and more everyday that we are becoming a society of cowards. Men and women without morals or standards of conduct With our faulty characters we are unable to remain steadfast in truth; and eventually fall prey to peer pressure. Even cowards have courage in large numbers. Only a noble heart can stand alone, and be unmoved. Everyday one will hear of a man void of character demanding of a man of high morals: " Why do you need to be so different, why won't you do "such and such" .... Don't you have a mind of our own?" Is it really small mindedness that calls us to be the different and to stand out in the crowd.?...  Au contrair!!! If we would consider the situation it is obvious whom is the individual, and who the conformist is. Our generation has an intense need to please, but not the audience that really matters. We are slaves to the opinion of others, as well as to society's fashion, and the idols we have made of our clothing. In my opinion the #1 tip of style is Difference (that is what makes it your own personal style ;0)
But standards alone are not enough if they are not accompanied by conviction. We can all say "well, I just don't think I can, or need to bring God in to that area of my life"... but are we talking about "the life" that he gave us?!?! How can we ask him to bless us in all aspects of life if we don't include him in every one? As believers we should be Lights in every avenue, letting our actions and presence be our testimonies in season and out of season. A dear old friend  once told me that "Every so often YHWH sends us small trials to let us know we are still on the path". When people see no difference between us and the world, when life is easy and you are accepted as who you are then it's time to look around examine your lifestyle and walk. I am not saying you can't get along with a worldly crowd, fit right in and still be a servant of the Almighty. However, I want more, Look at Abraham, Moses and Job. What did they all have in common? They ALL stood alone. Abraham "came out from among his people", Moses rather than live in the pharaoh's palace, chose to suffer with the people of YHWH,  Job lost everything and remained faithful. Do want to know some thing else they had in common; They were the friends of YHWH, He calls them his friends!!  You will be a servant of God if you commit your life to His service, but, you could be his friend!! They all paid a price for the prize that was priceless. And the best part is that there was never a second thought; they made up their minds and never looked back. Courage is not being fearless, it is the will to act in the face of fear. Strength doesn't mean it will be effortless, but enduring the pressure and overcoming the force.
We may cheer for the man of success and wealth, but we admire and esteem the one that will deny both to embrace honor.
Deuteronomy 7:7 says "YHWH did not set his love upon you, nor choose you because you were great in number. for ye were the fewest of all people"......But because YHWH loved you.

How can we say we are "set apart" if we lack the Strength to appear weak, and the Courage to be different. In our weakness YHWH is proven strong, and in our difference he will be glorified.

-Living today as though it were my last  ~Hana