Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is Love......

Have you ever been in love? The feeling of being "skippy" and seeing joy in every aspect of life, in each blade of grass. Who doesn't long to be head over heels, starry eyed, knock off your socks, profoundly swept off your feet in love. To be considered precious, and beyond price...... But more than that to be protected, and wanted. Can you imagine always feeling safe; to never be alone. Whether she admits it or not every girl is waiting for her knight; as she should be.  Someone who would willingly give his life for you, who loves you unconditionally, and knowing that you that you may not choose him or love him in return would still die for you.
If you are waiting for him to come along and choose you  ......
He already has. He came, and unannounced He loved you, suffered for you,  paid your debt, gave his life for you, and all in the hopes that you would one day "choose" to love Him. "Why would anyone go to such extreme lengths unless they had some hope of a promise in return"? Because true love gives and asks nothing in return, YOU are his treasure, the apple of his eye, his pearl of great price; His Beloved,  because his love is True love, a love that is never ending.

Those hoping to find this kind of passion and fervent loyalty here on earth you will only be disappointed.  If you truly seek a perfect love, your heart will only be satisfied by the One whom is love itself. By his own words he has loved you with an "everlasting love", "one that cannot be quenched with floods", "nor destroyed by death".

I am His lily among the thorns. His beloved and His friend. In ancient times some purchased their brides with wealth and riches. I was not bought with silver for a brides price; but with the life of my love and my king. Compared to my joy, if you have not tasted of God's goodness and mercy then you know little of happiness and true peace. I pray you choose his love in your life, and  to the lonely loveless world I humbly proclaim:

Bless YHWH, O, my soul and for get not all his benefits

Unworthily yet well-beloved of The Almighty,