Friday, December 17, 2010


Have you ever thought: Surely this won't affect anyone/anything.......
Well nothing could be farther from the truth, every thought, every action, Every choice we make will affect us.
Our choices form our thoughts, which determine our actions which will eventually mold our character. I think it should be common knowledge, ( and you may quote me on this) "Your compromise will be your demise"
You can't just say you'll fix it later,that is not the way it works. Mistake should be corrected and wrongs must be righted as soon as they are made. Ask any carpenter, musician, seamstress or mathematician... and you will find, that slight miscalculations are not acceptable and lead to the ruin of the house, the Concerto, the garment, and the formula. YHWH esteems those of a humble, contrite spirit and whom will tremble at his word. David was a man after God's heart;  does that mean he was pursuing the heart of his creator or that he was molded according to the desires of YHWH..... Perhaps both?  To have such a love for his shepherd, and then sin, you may think what a disappointment he must have been. But man does not see the heart as YHWH does. Look at David's first words, you will see what it was that set him apart from other men. "Create in me a clean heart O, YHWH , renew a right spirit within me". The ability to repent is such a humbling gift, and it is truly a gift.
Many people will say they are sorry, but never acknowledge that they've done wrong. While other will admit to their sin and apologize, but never change their ways. As children of the Most High we should strive to walk in the WORD of truth, and truly repent when we have turned astray. Every decision we make today will play a part in determining the person we will become tomorrow. If we seek YHWH early (before we need him, before trouble comes) then we will find him, because we will have searched for him with all of our hearts. Everyday there is an opportunity to be used of God, and those who make themselves available for his work will never regret THAT decision. 
Shouldn't we all seek to be vessels of honor and gold for HIM.....

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O YWHW, my Strength and my Redeemer. ~Psalm 19:14

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